Throughout our lives we long to love ourselves more deeply and to feel connected with others. Instead, we often contract, fear intimacy, and suffer a bewildering sense of separation. We crave love, and yet we are lonely. Our delusion of being separate from one another, of being apart from all that is around us, gives rise to all of this pain.
Do you need support at home?
Check out The 5 Seasons Family Collection
Winter wounds your family – the conflict, crying, disappointments and deep disconnection. We stay stuck in the cold, dark Winter because we don’t know how to leave this harsh season behind. Now you do! Here are several ways to transform your family and feel the full joy of parenting. The days are long but the years are short; create the family of your dreams today.
5 Season Family Course
You don’t just want to read the book, you want to experience its full power. This course guides you through the 5 Seasons & the 5 Elements of Awareness – everything you need to lead your family out of conflict and chaos, and toward the loving, open, heartfelt days of Summer.
The 10 module course and workbook teaches you to:
~ Know Your Family’s Seasons
~ Understand Your Conflict
~ Spring Clean to Reconnect
~ Uncover the Path to Joy
5 Season Family Membership
You know magic happens when people gather together. In the 5 Seasons Membership, we dig into the different types of conflict, solutions to the top issues in families, the many Spring Cleaning strategies to break the patterns and create true connection with your kids.
The membership includes:
~ A weekly training video
~ Q&A Sessions each month
~ Downloads and e-books
~ Guest speakers on hot topics
~ Weekly themes to support you and your family in growth
5 Seasons Family Coaching
Great parenting doesn’t just happen, it’s a process of uncovering, discovering, exploring, and implementing the right strategies for you and your family.
A new parenting model can reduce the angst, frustration or disrespect in your family, and foster connection and collaboration. The fastest, most direct route to Summer is to invest in private 1:1 coaching. Let’s work together to create your family’s best path forward.
Do you need support in work?
Check out The 5 Seasons Business Collection
When Winter blows through your business, you’re frozen in indecision, fear, doubt, and worry. We stay stuck in the cold, dark Winter because we don’t know how to leave this harsh season behind. Now you do! Here are several ways to finally feel the full joy of running your own business. Tap your gifts and unlock your business brilliance!
5 Season Business Course
You don’t just want to read the book, you want to experience its full power. This course guides you through the 5 Seasons & the 5 Elements of Awareness – everything you need to uncover your business brilliance and make the impact and income you want.
The 10 module course and workbook teaches you to:
~ Know Your Business Seasons
~ Learn Your Limiting Beliefs
~ Break your blocks to success
~ Leverage all skills & abilities
5 Season Business Membership
You’re the sum of the 5 people you spend time with – is that good for your business? Join other ambitious, intuitive leaders to bust your limiting beliefs, master your marketing and messaging strategies, and stop the sabotage that keeps you stuck in Winter.
The membership includes:
~ A weekly training video
~ Q&A Sessions each month
~ Downloads and e-books
~ Guest speakers on hot topics
~ Weekly themes for growth
5 Seasons Business Coaching
Great businesses don’t just happen, it’s a process of uncovering, discovering, exploring, and implementing the right strategies for you and your clients.
When you need a new success model to reduce the frustration or financial strain, investing in 1:1 coaching is your fastest, most direct route to Summer. Let’s work together to create your best path towards making the most impact and income.
Do you need support in love?
Check out The 5 Seasons Relationship Collection
When Winter blows through your love relationship, you wonder where the ‘happy ever after’ went. It might be due to our pride, fear, expectations, or our unhealed love wounds, but disconnection in our relationships hurts us so deeply. We don’t have to stay in negative spirals of anger or hurt, though. Here are some ways to help you reconnect to your love partner.
Seasons of Connection to Your Love Partner Book
You have a good relationship but it’s not everything you hoped it would be. Maybe the lows are really, really low. The latest book in the 5 Seasons series connects you to your love partner in exciting ways, maybe even for the first time!
Explore the seasons through a love lens, fully embracing your Winter and Summer selves.
Other things we cover include:
~ Why the 3 Gardens is Vital
~ Communication blocks
~ The 7 intimacy levels
5 Seasons Love Relationship Course
You don’t just want to read the book, you want to experience its full power. This course guides you through the 5 Seasons & the 5 Elements of Awareness – everything you need to uncover the passions and power in your love relationship.
The 10 module course and workbook teaches you to:
~ Know Your Love Seasons
~ Feel real passion again
~ Break communication blocks
~ Learn the 7 levels of intimacy
5 Seasons Love Relationship Coaching
There are ebbs and flows of every relationship, but when the ebbs last too long, and Winter keeps you feeling emotionally, physically, or energetically distant or disconnected, it’s time to do something different.
When you want to break harmful patterns or reduce the frustration in your love relationship, investing in 1:1 coaching is your fastest, most direct route to Summer. Let’s join forces to create your best path towards real, deep, love.
Self-Awareness is Power
Who are you? No, really?
What sets you off in rage?
What does fear do to you?
What brings you to joy and bliss?
When you truly know yourself, and get very familiar with the persona you become in anger, fear, doubt, happiness, elation, excitement, and everything in between, you can stop being a victim of your life, left to the whims of those around you, and rise up to shine as your best self. weather systems. That's a gift of knowing our seasons.
Every Relationship Shifts
We're connected to so many: our intimate partners, kids, family, friends, and communities. And, every relationship shifts when we live fully in every season.
When we know who we become in Winter, we walk through the big feelings and we don't hurt, blame or shame those around us, or get buried in doubt, fear, worry, or anger.
When we know how to Spring Clean after the storm, we become masters at managing recovery and repair.
You Become Your Best Self
Knowing your seasons means you can easily and effortlessly tap into your brilliance and show up in your life courageously and confidently, setting big dreams and reaching them.
You still experience the highs of Summer happiness, and the lows of Winter woes, but you aren't controlled by your emotions. You know your heart, your head, your passions and purpose and your emotions are along for the ride. You're fully in control of showing up in every season as your best self, and that's priceless.
I love this book because it is not a one size fits all. It takes you on a journey to discover where you are, it give you tools to use, and opens the heart to discover the work that needs to be done. There are so many books and people who teach their way and one way to do it. This takes into account that we are all unique and yet there are some similarities and then it provides a path and the tools of discovery. Yes, it takes some work to do it this way but then the foundation is solid and that is what I love about this. I walked away with some great insight and some tools I could use right now.
It also shares great encouragement and heart on overcoming the things that hold most people back. Hearing real stories and not just the wins, but the pain and the journey and then the tools of how and the process makes this book a winner.
I absolutely love this book. I can already see it as one of those books I could read every year and get something different from it. So many practical tips and ideas for any business owner. I love the way the book is organized and truth telling. Thank you Leanne for sharing YOUR business brilliance to help us find ours.
Leanne is a breath of fresh air in the business world. She is particularly adept at helping entrepreneurs tap into their most creative core to build a sustainable, profitable business that serves the people that run it! She has developed a brilliant framework for processing the seasons of running your own business and for helping people get “unstuck.” She is wonderful to work with, and I cannot recommend her highly enough!
Praise for “The 5 Seasons of Connection to Your Child”
Leanne Kabat offers a compassionate, accessible framework for building the kind of deep and meaningful relationship every parent wants to have with their children, but may not know how to create. Leanne knows that it’s how we interact in the small moments, day by day, minute by minute, that truly shape our connection.
This book! What a lovely, insightful and truly helpful look at parenting. Leanne’s seasonal framework makes all the complexities of family life easier to handle and brings you back to what’s really important for your entire family: connection and joy in the Winter and the Summer.
Leanne’s ability to share stories and create teachable moments is magic. Her wisdom is only outshined by her heart. If you’re a parent who has ever worried you’re doing it all wrong (or if you’re like most of us & feel this #everydamnday), this book is for you. Leanne’s writing is as beautiful as her lessons are profound. You’ll walk away from this book with clarity around your family’s core values, a new sense of power in parenting, and a deeper understanding of how beautiful imperfection in parenting can be.
Who Turned Off The Light?
Who turned off the light? We are experiencing a real treat of sunshine right now in Seattle and my Facebook feed is filled with friends living life to its fullest with pictures of fall hiking and tailgating and fun gatherings. Their kid’s back-to-school pictures are...
All three of them need clean underwear right now?
We couldn’t wait to take this trip! We would travel to five different countries in Europe over fourteen days, spending 2-3 days in each place. Each person would pack a carry-on roller bag so we could travel light. It was a gorgeous morning in Paris and our family of...
How Your Business Brilliance Impacts Your Leadership
You may have a small business, a side hustle, or be fully engaged in a traditional career - it doesn't matter! Your Business Brilliance will bring you success, elevation and freedom in whatever ways you use your skills to make a living. 5 things that will ROCK because...