Speaking for Your Organization

The Power in Personal Triumphs
We are a storytelling culture and information wrapped in personal stories will leave an imprint long after the talk is over. I am a storyteller first, a teacher second. There’s always a moment when I speak for groups – big or small – and we calibrate to each other and I feel the collective heartbeat in the room. It’s pure bliss and an extremely powerful opportunity for transformation. Would this be something you’d like to experience?
My Most Requested Topics:
Business Topics:
~ What Season Are You In and Is that Why You’re Stuck
~ Unlock Your Business Brilliance Using the 5 Seasons
~ The Day I Was Given 5 Years to Live
Parenting Topics:
~ Transform Your Family Through Conscious Connecting
~ Create Family Systems that Lead to Success
~ How the 5 Seasons Will Move Your From Chaos to Calm
I would love to speak for your group, organization, or school. Please contact me to set up a time to discuss how I can bring inspiration, information and transformation to your group.


Leanne was exactly what we needed after a series of struggles in our organization. She was compassionate and warm, but also had some really deep truths to share. She gave us a way forward that we hadn’t seen before, and I honestly think she saved us from losing some key people in our team. So many thanks!
We loved Leanne! She was such a powerful speaker and she made us laugh, she made us cry, she took us on a journey from hopeless to hope-filled, and wow, did we need her today! She now has a room full of new best friends, we are so grateful to her. She didn’t just motivate, though, she gently showed us how to do things differently in our lives to get where we wanted to be. Her own journey of courageously choosing the path to her dream life reminded us we all can do it, we have to stay committed to it. What a gem!
Why Invite Me to Speak?

A Dash of Inspiration
In 2006, I suffered from a freak brain crash and after 8 months of invasive and aggressive testing, I was given 5 years to live. Every talk I deliver will touch on how our time is too precious to give to our fears, doubts, or worries. I use my story of waiting to die and then deciding to live to remind everyone we get one precious life – the time to be bold, brave, and slightly badass is now.
A Serving of Information
The 5 Seasons System is a practical, results-driven framework to uncover who you are in each season and how your worldview shapes your struggles and successes. Knowing your archetype in Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall and at the Crossroads intimately sets you up for an unprecedented level of freedom, prosperity, and abundance.
A Touch of Transformation
Change can come in the most unexpected ways. Often during my talks, people experience deep transformation in their relationships with their families or their businesses because the 5 Seasons is that simple and sophisticated. The kaleidoscope needs to be twisted just enough to see all the same parts in a brand new way, and I love to twist it!
A Slice of Success
We learn about our Season archetypes, we anchor our intentions and define success, we identify our path to Summer, and we set goals and reorder our priorities so that we can see success, in our time together we often bring it within our reach.